10-30% Off Sale, Carnivorous Plants, and Classes

carnivorous plant cape sundew

From Friday May 24th through Sunday May 26th, Garden Ponds is having a Memorial Day Weekend Sale 10 – 30% off on all ceramic pots, statues and Carnivorous Plants.  Now is the ideal time to begin your hobby in water gardening or expand your water lily collection.  Our water gardens are natures best mosquitos trap and adding a carnivorous plant takes it one step further.

Carnivorous plants are so easy to grow in a water garden and they have the advantage of eating mosquitos, fruit flies, ants, and other flying insects.  Beautiful, and easy to grow, American pitcher plants may be the most ravenous and underappreciated plants in horticulture. The Sarracenia trumpet plants are native to the North American continent yet grow easily even here in Hawaii.  The bog environment is easy to create planted in peat and sphagnum moss on the surface of the water garden.  We carry three varieties of Sarracenia; Leucophylla, Judith Hindle, and Flava Flava.  During this sale they will be 20% off!

The King and Queen of Carnivorous plants is the Nepenthes, a tropical pitcher plant.  Nepenthes are tropical pitcher plants that usually grow as climbing vines.  They can look like saxophones with amazing colorful lips that attract the unsuspecting insect looking for sweet nectar, only to find a sticky trap.  During this sale our Nepenthes are 20% off.

“Sundews are innocent-looking and pretty, their delicate leaves sparkling with the promise of sweet nectar, but the foolish insect curious enough to give a sundew the slightest touch will suddenly find itself caught in a living nightmare.  Doomed to a horrible death, the insect may struggle for a blessed few minutes or suffer for untold hours as it tries to break free of ensnaring, suffocating glue, grasping tentacles, and burning acids and enzymes, meanwhile, its precious bodily fluids are slowly sucked dry.” (Peter D’Amato, The Savage Garden”. Garden ponds has a few varieties of sundews at 10% off during this sale.

If you have some carnivorous plants already, please consider trading with us and sharing information, so we can learn and expand our department of carnivorous plants.

Secrets of Water Gardening by Ken Bernard will be taught on Saturday, June 8th from 10am-12.  This class is the foundation for creating, maintaining, and understanding the balanced Eco-system in a water garden.  You will understand the fundamentals of water gardening after taking this class.

Water Lily 101, will be taught on Saturday, June 22nd from 10am-12.  This class covers 42 varieties of water lilies; care, propagation, repotting, and cures for some of the infestations our water lilies go through.  Classes are $25 per person, or $20 if you bring a friend!  Call or email us to reserve a spot. [email protected]

Garden Ponds is open Wednesday through Sunday from 12 – 5pm, located next to Kauai Mini-Golf in Kilauea.

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