November 28, 2021November 28, 2021Water Gardening When Should I fertilize my Water Lily How often should I fertilize my Water Lilies? We at Garden Ponds recommend fertilizing water lilies once a month. Pond Tabb’s fertilizer […]
November 28, 2021Ceramic Pots Sustainable Living Christmas Tree The Tree Hugger’s Answer to Christmas… How to Have a Planet Friendly and Sustainable Christmas Tree How does the one come to […]
November 25, 2021November 26, 2021Educational, FAQ, Gardening, How To, Water Gardening Keeping Your Carnivorous Plants Happy (in Hawai’i) NORTH AMERICAN PITCHER PLANTS, SOME SUNDEWS, AND FLYTRAPS GO DORMANT Even though we don’t get the cold season that some carnivorous plants […]
November 25, 2021November 25, 2021Educational, Events, FAQ, Gardening, How To, Water Gardening Winter Wish List: Lava Rock Planters, Carnivorous Delights and Year-Round Water Garden Magic Being a water garden nursery, we are always experimenting with plants that grow along the edges of our beloved water gardens. Marginal […]