March 26, 2025March 26, 2025Ceramic Pots, Gardening, home and garden, landscape, lotus, News, Water Gardening Lotus Photo Contest Lotus Photo Contest Due to the wild success of our last photo contest, Garden Ponds is bringing it back again this year […]
January 29, 2025January 29, 2025Ceramic Pots, Gardening, landscape, News, Water Gardening Ceramic Pots Aplenty Ceramic pots are a blank canvas With a ceramic pot you can create an enchanting aquatic ecosystem, a home for your favorite […]
December 27, 2024December 27, 2024Educational, Gardening, Health, landscape, Water Gardening The Healing Waters We made it through the holiday season. Now is a good time to slow down, take a deep breath and allow your […]
December 26, 2024December 26, 2024Educational, FAQ, Gardening, Health, How To, Water Gardening Welcoming in a New Year with Kadomatsu What is Kadomatsu? Kadomatsu is a traditional Japanese decoration made from three different length pieces of bamboo and sprigs of pine tied […]
October 26, 2024October 26, 2024Educational, Gardening, home and garden, How To, landscape, Statues, stone materials, Uncategorized, Water Gardening, Water Lily Varieties MEANDERINGS FROM THE MUCK Summer solstice kine ‘tings
September 26, 2024September 26, 2024Educational, Gardening, home and garden, How To, landscape, Statues, stone materials, Uncategorized, Water Gardening, Water Lily Varieties ELEPHANT STATUE SYMBOLISM AND “THE MADAME” WATERLILY FEATURE Summer solstice kine ‘tings
August 22, 2024August 23, 2024Educational, Gardening, home and garden, How To, landscape, Statues, stone materials, Uncategorized THE ENCHANTED GARDEN Summer solstice kine ‘tings
May 30, 2024Educational, Gardening, home and garden, How To, lotus, News, Uncategorized, Water Gardening, Water Lily Varieties LOTUS FLOWERS ARE WAKING UP FROM DORMANCY Summer solstice kine ‘tings
May 30, 2024May 30, 2024Educational, home and garden, News, Uncategorized WATER IS LIFE: KALIHIWAI RESERVOIR AND THE FUTURE OF KILAUEA Summer solstice kine ‘tings
April 26, 2024April 27, 2024Events, home and garden, News, Sale Events, Statues ANTIQUES SALE MAY 1-4 2024 Summer solstice kine ‘tings