March 24, 2023March 24, 2023Events, Gardening, home and garden, landscape, Lanterns, News, Sale Events, Statues Spring Sale on Cast Concrete SALE: 10%-50% off cast concrete statues March 25th – April 2nd Some stunning garden art statues have arrived, and we at Garden […]
May 27, 2022May 27, 2022Educational, Events, Gardening, Health, How To, Lanterns, News, Statues Offerings of Light: Japanese Lanterns in the Garden Historically, Japanese lanterns were used as an offering of light to Buddha. In Buddhism, the light of the lantern represents overcoming the […]
April 21, 2022April 21, 2022Educational, Events, Gardening, Health, How To, Lanterns, News, Statues Happy Buddha is Here! Statues have arrived from Indonesia It is an enlivening time for us over here at Garden Ponds Nursery in Kilauea, as we unload and unpack our first […]
August 29, 2018July 29, 2019Lanterns, News New Lava Stone Lanterns Lava Stone Lanterns Garden Ponds is excited to announce our new line of hand carved garden lanterns made from lava stone. As […]