January 2019 Classes

Pink Sacred China Lotus Green Pads

Due to popular demand, our classes are back in 2019! Taught by our very own Ken Bernard, our classes range from water gardening basics to techniques specific to Water Lilies and Lotuses. Ken has been involved with water gardening for over 25 years, and his wealth of knowledge has inspired many journeys through the world of water gardening. All classes are $25 per person, or $20 if you bring a friend! Call or email us to reserve a spot! [email protected]

Water Gardening Classes

Panama Pacific Nymphea Purple Water Lily

“Secrets of Water Gardening” by Ken will be taught on Saturday, February 2nd from 10am-12. This Class is the foundation for creating, maintaining, and understanding the creation of a balanced Eco-system in a water garden.  You will understand the fundamental principles of water gardening after taking this class. 

 “Water Lily 101” by Ken will be taught on Saturday, February 9th from 10 am- 12. This class covers 42 varieties of water lilies; care, propagation, repotting and cures for some of the infestations our water lilies go through. This introductory class will teach you everything you need to know about caring for your water lily.

Our Lotus Class, taught by Ken is also making a return next month. This will be held on February 16th, from 10am to 12. This Class is the foundation for maintaining and understanding the secrets of growing the mystical lotus in a captive environment. This class is only taught once a year, just prior to the lotus season beginning!

Fascinating Fungi

Red White Spotted Mushrooms Fascinating Fungi

This year we will also begin having guest lecturers hold classes at our nursery, beginning with a “Fascinating Fungi” class hosted by Tammy Davis.

“Fascinating Fungi” by Tammy Davis will be held on Saturday, February 2nd from 5:30pm to 9 pm. Tammy explores the form, function and fun of fungi by taking an in-depth look at the anatomy, identification techniques, ecological roles, and the medicinal and edible species of fungi. This is a great class to learn more about the fungi that we see everyday! This class is $15 per person, more information and ticket reservation can be found at FascinatingFungi.Eventbrite.com

In the winter, some of our flowering plants go dormant due to lack of light and colder weather. In the case of the lotus, it will usually stop blooming at the end of summer, and it will stop sprouting new leaves around October. It will remain asleep with not many signs of life until February/March, which is when we do our annual seasonal re-pot. 

We prefer not to re-pot our water lilies during December and January, as to keep them from stressing. If you try to re-pot them during the winter, they may take a long time to bounce back because they grow so slowly in winter. 

We offer water lily re-potting at our nursery for $15 per plant. You can bring your water lily by our nursery during our open hours. They travel best in a trash bag in a 5 gallon bucket. A bucket with a lid will do, so the moisture stays in; it’s important to not let the leaves dry out. 

Most of the tropical water lilies will continue to flower all year-round, with a couple of exceptions. Hardy water lilies go dormant in the winter time, but most will keep sending new leaves out and will just stop flowering for the season. We fertilize our tropical water lilies throughout the winter, but we do NOT fertilize our Hardy water lilies or our lotus so we don’t send them into shock or create an anaerobic environment. Visit our nursery in Kilauea if you need expert advice on your water lily care!

The Balinese archway was a prominent piece at our nursery for many years, and it will be back! We will be bringing in another archway, like the one seen in the photo, in our container this spring. The archway makes for a great welcome entrance to any landscaped area. We are finalizing this container now, and orders for carvings are still welcome!

Come visit us, scan this in to your smart phone, or go to gardenpondskauai.com and open Indonesia Containers.

We are open Wednesday through Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. 808-828-6400