September 2019 Classes

deep purple water lily


Ken Bernard founded Garden Ponds Nursery some 25 Years ago after falling in love with water gardening and creating balanced eco systems for his precious water lilies. He is now offering his expertise to you via his Secrets of Water Gardening and Water Liles 101 classes happening this month. Over the years he has learned the most common mistakes with water gardening in our unique semi-tropical climate of Hawaii and a variety of other essential information you won’t want to miss. 
Tomorrow on Saturday, 9/7/19, from 10am to noon, we will be having our Secrets of Water Gardening Class. This Class serves as the foundation for creating, maintaining, and understanding of what it takes to have a balanced eco-system in a water garden. In addition, after completing this class you will have the know how to start taking care of your own water garden. 
Water lily leaves
Saturday September 21st 2019, 10am – 12pm, $25 
We will be having our Water Lily 101 class. This class covers 42 varieties of water lilies along with their care, propagation, repotting, and cures for some of the infestations your water lilies are likely to go through. In short, this introductory class will teach you everything you need to know about caring for your water lily.
Both classes are $25 each or if you bring a friend with you it gets reduced to $20 a person.

Having just returned from France and the Water Lily Symposium, I am looking forward to sharing with you all the exciting news in the Water Gardening World. This exciting news will be shared in the classes, website, and future emails coming to you in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!!!

Our 40ft container has arrived! We unpacked the beauty Thursday and Friday and can’t wait to share with you all the amazing pieces we have brought in.  Saturday we will begin uncrating all the statues and garden accessories and you may pre-view them today through Sunday for those of you too eager to wait. Pricing will be completed by Thursday next week so get your wallets ready so you don’t miss out on your favorite statuary before they sell out.

Panama Pacific Nymphea Purple Water Lily


We offer water lily re-potting at our nursery for $15 per plant. You can bring your water lily by our nursery during our open hours. They travel best in a trash bag in a 5 gallon bucket. A bucket with a lid will do, so the moisture stays in; it’s important to not let the leaves dry out. 

Most of the tropical water lilies will continue to flower all year-round, with a couple of exceptions. Hardy water lilies go dormant in the winter time, but most will keep sending new leaves out and will just stop flowering for the season. We fertilize our tropical water lilies throughout the winter, but we do NOT fertilize our Hardy water lilies or our lotus so we don’t send them into shock or create an anaerobic environment. Visit our nursery in Kilauea if you need expert advice on your water lily care!

The Balinese archway was a prominent piece at our nursery for many years, and it Is Finally back! We look forward to resetting up The archway as welcome entrance. Now that the container is here We are taking an inventory of the items that came in and The items will come avaliable next saturday the 14th. We are working on out next container now and orders for carvings are welcome!

We are open Wednesday through Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. 808-828-6400

purple water lily with bee

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