January 27, 2023January 27, 2023Educational, Gardening, How To, Water Gardening Carnivorous Pitcher Plants in Hawaii Carnivorous Pitcher Plants are Waking up at Garden Ponds At the first sign of waking up from dormancy, the pitcher plant sarracenia […]
November 23, 2022November 24, 2022Sale Events, Statues, Water Gardening Make it a ‘Blue Mind’ Holiday This holiday season we are going for a ‘Blue Mind’. Why not? According to Wallace J. Nichols’ Blue Mind theory, water positively […]
November 23, 2022November 23, 2022Educational, FAQ, Gardening, How To, Water Gardening Why are we so drawn to water? Water restores. Here on our island home, we are blessed to be surrounded by water, giving us access to places that rejuvenate our […]
November 9, 2022November 9, 2022Educational, FAQ, Gardening, How To, Water Gardening Opportunities to Observe Nature: Setting up a mini aquascape Add wonder and vitality to any space with a mini aquascape. Creating a natural, low-maintenance aquarium makes use of the biological processes […]
March 28, 2022March 28, 2022Educational, Events, Gardening, Health, Water Gardening Early Spring is Lotus Time in Hawai’i The Mystical Lotus Plant 120 million years in the making, unscathed by the mud, and murky water it arises from, the sacred […]
January 28, 2022January 28, 2022Educational, FAQ, Gardening, Health, How To, Water Gardening Snails: Unsung Heroes of the Water Gardening World What is it about water? Find out ways to gain the benefits of flowing water in your life.
December 18, 2021December 19, 2021Educational, Gardening, Health, How To, Sale Events, Uncategorized, Water Gardening Holiday Wellness: Soothe Your Mind and Body with Flowing Water What is it about water? Find out ways to gain the benefits of flowing water in your life.
December 18, 2021January 20, 2022Educational, Events, FAQ, Gardening, How To, Water Gardening, Water Lily Varieties Water Garden FAQ’s Sometimes we come across issues in our water gardens that worry or perplex us. Here are some common questions we are asked […]
November 28, 2021November 28, 2021Water Gardening When Should I fertilize my Water Lily How often should I fertilize my Water Lilies? We at Garden Ponds recommend fertilizing water lilies once a month. Pond Tabb’s fertilizer […]
November 25, 2021November 26, 2021Educational, FAQ, Gardening, How To, Water Gardening Keeping Your Carnivorous Plants Happy (in Hawai’i) NORTH AMERICAN PITCHER PLANTS, SOME SUNDEWS, AND FLYTRAPS GO DORMANT Even though we don’t get the cold season that some carnivorous plants […]