September 24, 2020January 20, 2021Uncategorized Hawaii Shade Water Gardening Best Shade-Loving Water Garden Plants for Kaua’i Shady or sunny? When it comes to water gardening it really does not matter. Water […]
July 8, 2020October 22, 2020Educational, Gardening, Water Gardening Dragonflies in the Garden: Thriving in Transition Not only are dragonflies and damselflies magical and stunning creatures to observe and admire – they have staying power. They’ve been cruising […]
July 15, 2019January 21, 2022Ceramic Pots, How To How to Seal a Drainage hole in a Ceramic Pot Ceramic Pots make wonderful Water Garden bringing the serenity of a pond to you with out the expense. 95% of ceramic pots made have holes in them for drainage,