August 26, 2021August 26, 2021Educational, Gardening, How To, Water Gardening, Water Lily Varieties Madame Ganna Walska: Legendary Blooms The round, slightly ruffled leaves float on the surface of the water. A spiked flower stands up six inches above the surface, […]
May 28, 2021May 28, 2021Educational, Gardening, How To, Statues Custom Carvings from Garden Ponds Nursery: A Gateway Into Taksu Garden Ponds is excited to announce the arrival of our latest Indonesian statue container. We have many gorgeous hand carved statues, including […]
April 8, 2021April 8, 2021Educational, FAQ, Gardening, How To, News, Water Gardening New Micro Lotus at Garden Ponds: Spring Rain in Linan Micro Lotus: Stunning Beauty in a Tiny Package By Ken bernard and Craig Mathews In 1999, I saw a lotus blossom […]
March 26, 2021March 26, 2021Educational, How To, Water Gardening, Water Lily Varieties When To Repot Water Lilies Water lilies are an excellent addition to water gardens with mesmerizing blooms that add a beautiful focal point to your aquatic oasis. […]
October 22, 2020October 22, 2020Educational, Gardening, Health, How To, Water Gardening Native, Edible and Herbal Water Plants in Hawaii Learn about our top picks for native, edible and herbal water plants in Hawaii and their fascinating uses!
November 6, 2019November 6, 2019Events Sikh Sacred Kirtan from a 500 year Mystical Tradition with Antion Vikram Singh Words by Elandra Meredith Sunday, November 10th at Garden Ponds A Rare Meditative Musical Opportunity! Aloha friends! We are on our beloved […]