February 1, 2024February 1, 2024FAQ, How To Lotus, Water Lily, and Mosaic Plants experience Winter Dormancy; and When to Repot During the winter months many aquatic plants enter dormancy; as the lower arc of the sun shortens daylight hours and lowers temperatures. […]
April 28, 2023August 10, 2023classes, Events, Gardening, home and garden, How To, News, Water Gardening, Water Lily Varieties 5 Steps to Setting up a Water Garden Setting up a water garden is fun and easy. Learn everything you need to know to get started and enjoy the benefits […]
March 24, 2023March 24, 2023classes, Events, Gardening, home and garden, How To, News, Water Gardening, Water Lily Varieties Upcoming Classes at Garden Ponds Nursery Setting up a water garden is fun and easy! Learn everything you need to know to get started and keep water lilies […]
November 23, 2022November 24, 2022Sale Events, Statues, Water Gardening Make it a ‘Blue Mind’ Holiday This holiday season we are going for a ‘Blue Mind’. Why not? According to Wallace J. Nichols’ Blue Mind theory, water positively […]
November 23, 2022November 23, 2022Educational, FAQ, Gardening, How To, Water Gardening Why are we so drawn to water? Water restores. Here on our island home, we are blessed to be surrounded by water, giving us access to places that rejuvenate our […]
November 9, 2022November 9, 2022Educational, FAQ, Gardening, How To, Water Gardening Opportunities to Observe Nature: Setting up a mini aquascape Add wonder and vitality to any space with a mini aquascape. Creating a natural, low-maintenance aquarium makes use of the biological processes […]
August 25, 2022November 24, 2022Educational, FAQ, Gardening, Health, How To, lotus, Water Gardening Lotus Dormancy How-To Lotus blooms are always a highlight here at Garden Ponds over the summer months. One of the most alluring features of the […]
August 25, 2022August 25, 2022Educational, FAQ, Health, How To, Water Gardening How to Grow A Viviparous Water Lily Tropical Viviparous Lilies make new plantlets from the leaf… In order to grow a viviparous water lily, follow these steps: Prune […]
August 7, 2022October 26, 2022Educational, FAQ, Health, How To, Water Gardening Water Lily Care Welcome to the wonderful world of water lilies! Here are the basics that you need to know in caring for your water […]
August 3, 2022August 4, 2022Educational, FAQ, Health, How To, Water Gardening Fish in your Water Garden FAQ Do I feed my fish? This will largely depend on what type of fish you have. If you have larger fish like […]