March 24, 2023March 24, 2023classes, Events, Gardening, home and garden, How To, News, Water Gardening, Water Lily Varieties Upcoming Classes at Garden Ponds Nursery Setting up a water garden is fun and easy! Learn everything you need to know to get started and keep water lilies […]
November 25, 2021November 26, 2021Educational, FAQ, Gardening, How To, Water Gardening Keeping Your Carnivorous Plants Happy (in Hawai’i) NORTH AMERICAN PITCHER PLANTS, SOME SUNDEWS, AND FLYTRAPS GO DORMANT Even though we don’t get the cold season that some carnivorous plants […]
November 25, 2021November 25, 2021Educational, Events, FAQ, Gardening, How To, Water Gardening Winter Wish List: Lava Rock Planters, Carnivorous Delights and Year-Round Water Garden Magic Being a water garden nursery, we are always experimenting with plants that grow along the edges of our beloved water gardens. Marginal […]
October 21, 2021November 26, 2021Educational, Events, FAQ, Gardening, How To, Water Gardening, Water Lily Varieties Winter Dormancy: When to Repot Lotus, Water Lily, Mosaic and Carnivorous Plants? We get a lot of people coming into the nursery here in Kilauea at the end of summer and into fall, asking: […]
August 26, 2021August 26, 2021Educational, Gardening, Health, How To, Water Gardening, Water Lily Varieties Turn Your Attention to the Present Moment: With Water Gardening Calm water has a healing effect on those that are near it. If only for a moment, peering into a water garden […]
August 26, 2021August 26, 2021Educational, Gardening, How To, Water Gardening, Water Lily Varieties Madame Ganna Walska: Legendary Blooms The round, slightly ruffled leaves float on the surface of the water. A spiked flower stands up six inches above the surface, […]
March 26, 2021March 26, 2021Educational, How To, Water Gardening, Water Lily Varieties When To Repot Water Lilies Water lilies are an excellent addition to water gardens with mesmerizing blooms that add a beautiful focal point to your aquatic oasis. […]
July 8, 2020October 22, 2020Educational, Gardening, Water Gardening Dragonflies in the Garden: Thriving in Transition Not only are dragonflies and damselflies magical and stunning creatures to observe and admire – they have staying power. They’ve been cruising […]
July 29, 2019July 29, 2019News, Water Gardening Monet’s Water Lilies Next month I leave for the International Water Gardening Societies Symposium in Bordeaux, France. In addition, I’ll be going to the Latour-Marliac […]
March 23, 2019July 8, 2019Water Gardening Welcome to the Wonderful World of Water Lilies! Twenty-three years ago, I smelled my first water lily and have been enchanted ever since. My passion for water lilies increased as […]